
サイボウズガルーン v4.0.1、パッケージ版URLからクラウド版URLのリダイレクト

I figured out how to redirect web pages on Cybozu Garoon package edition to their cloud edition.
work as root user.

cd /var/www/cgi-bin/cbgrn/
mv grn.cgi grn.cgi.org
vi grn.cgi
write redirect script like following. then save it.

$uri = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
my @param = split('grn.cgi',$uri);
$rdrURL =  "Location: https://xxxxxx.cybozu.com/g/$param[1]\n\n";
print $rdrURL;


chmod 755 grn.cgi
chown apache:root grn.cgi

That's it! Test the redirection.

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