
Setting up the Chrome OS

Google Chrome OS was revealed. so I tried using it. Here is some notes to set up Chrome OS as virtual image in Windows. I downloaded the virtual image from gdgt website.

1.Go to http://gdgt.com and create your account.Email verification is required.

2.Download the virtual image of the Chrome OS from http://gdgt.com/google/chrome-os/download/

3. Download and install VMWare player.

4. Create a new virtual image in VMWare Player. I chose the Ubuntu as the OS. After finishing creating the virtual image, click the 'setting' to add the Chrome virtual disk. and delete the default hard disk image file. It's better to increase memory as 1GB or something. Then finish editing.

5. Click "Start player". and pale blue screen comes up. at the login screen. type your gmail account and password. At the time I got a problem. my login information is not recognized. Then I searched the web and found the solution. Right click at the network adapter icon on the right bottom of the VMWare Player and click "disconnect". Then again right click the network icon and click "connect". After that I could log in to the chrome.

6. The menu is really like The chrome browser, not operating system. There is no application menu nor OS menu. I don't know how to shut down the OS. just click the 'turn off' from VMWare menu? :(

7. After some research I found the way to access shell of the Chrome. Press the Ctrl + Alt + T displays shell. Typing recognition at the shell access was really slow and frequently dropped the characters. My PC's memory is 2GB and 800MB is used as Chrome OS. so I tried to run sshd to access remotely.

8. The default user at the shell is chronos and password is chronos. It took some time to figure out the default user's password. Then run /etc/init.d/ssh. Then I got an access from my terminal software. :)

fyi the Chorome OS is based on Ubuntu.

root@localhost:~# cat /etc/*release
DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu karmic (development branch)"
CHROMEOS_RELEASE_DESCRIPTION=999.999.32409.000656 (Developer Build - Fri Nov 20 00:07:42 UTC 2009-root)

Have fun with Chrome OS!