System/Network Engineer, Akira Muramatsu's tech blog from Huntington Beach, CA, USA
Change timezone from UTC with RDS instance
Here is how to change timezone setting in your RDS instance
1, connect your RDS instance as root.
[user@ec2 ~]$ mysql -u root -p -h
2. Change the timezone setting.
mysql> DELIMITER |
mysql> CREATE PROCEDURE mysql.`set_PST`()
-> IF NOT (POSITION('rdsadmin@' IN CURRENT_USER()) = 1) THEN
-> SET SESSION time_zone = 'America/Los_Angeles';
-> END IF |
mysql> DELIMITER ;
3. Create parameter group
find init_connect parameter and input 'CALL set_PST'. Then save changes.
4. Apply new parameter group to your RDS instance.
5. Log in to your RDS instance. Then submit the following command.
mysql> GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE mysql.set_PST TO 'username'@'hostname';
サイボウズガルーン v4.0.1、パッケージ版URLからクラウド版URLのリダイレクト
I figured out how to redirect web pages on Cybozu Garoon package edition to their cloud edition.
work as root user.
cd /var/www/cgi-bin/cbgrn/
mv grn.cgi
vi grn.cgi
write redirect script like following. then save it.
chmod 755 grn.cgi
chown apache:root grn.cgi
That's it! Test the redirection.
work as root user.
cd /var/www/cgi-bin/cbgrn/
mv grn.cgi
vi grn.cgi
write redirect script like following. then save it.
$uri = $ENV{'REQUEST_URI'};
my @param = split('grn.cgi',$uri);
$rdrURL = "Location:$param[1]\n\n";
print $rdrURL;
chmod 755 grn.cgi
chown apache:root grn.cgi
That's it! Test the redirection.
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