
How to fix MBR problem

I have a lap top PC with Ubuntu 9.04 installed.

Today I tried to install Windows on my lap top to use as dual boot OS.

I followed the instruction written by here. When I boot with Windows XP CD and choose the partition to install Windows, I could not choose the free space. After that I reboot the laptop. then, Ubuntu couldn't boot up because Windows installation overwrote the MBR!

After the research to recover my MBR, I followed the instruction with this link and got around the issue.


Windows sucks!!

To summarlize the solution, the commands I did are below.

1. Boot up with the Ubuntu live CD. In the terminal,

sudo grub

find /boot/grub/stage1

The output is like hd0,0
root (hd?,?)
# e.g. root (hd0,0)
setup (hd?)
# e.g. root (hd0)

That's it!

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